Last Saturday I went to the Fallbrook AG Booster Youth Fair and did SUPER GOOD!!! Bad Penny got 1# place (only one in her class...) Bad Money 1# (three goats in her class..) And I won Showmanship and won the Senur Showmanship and went on to Master showman ship ware you show Steers, Pigs, Meat Goats, Dairy Goats, Lamb, and Finlay the results................DRUM ROLL PLEASE DA DA DA DA... I WON !!!!!!!!!!!!! OUT OF FIVE KIDS!!!!!!!! I got a cool plack but they took it to put my name on it!! here or some ribbons I'll put a picture of the plack when I get it!!!!!!
and a bunch of pictures of my favorite people in the whole world!
and we really miss our jojo!!!